Find the funding you need to support your organisations dreams.

There is currently over £47 Million worth of funding available in Argyll & Bute!

Start Looking


As part of the Argyll & Bute Third Sector Interface, we offer support and guidance to organisations and charities within the Region.
We also offer a complete fund management service.

Collation of Funds

Our team of Support Advisors contantly scan the sector for new funds and load them into our fund pot, making this a one stop shop for all funding info in the Region.

Support in Finding Funds

If a charity within the Region, our Support Advisors can work with you and help find funding that is appropriate for you and guide you through the process.

Application Feedback

Our Support Advisors can give feedback on any application process and let you know how to tailor your bid to give you the best chance of success.

Fund Management

We also are have a fully comprehensive portal in place that allows us to manage and distribute funds on behalf of other organisations.

Do you have a fund you'd like us to manage?

We have extensive experience in managing the whole funding process within Argyll & Bute. By using our custom built portal we can create your Expressions of Interest through to full Applications. Our experienced team can give feedback to applicants on their applications and we can even set up review panels to validate the applications against your pre-set criteria. Once awarded, we can distribute the funds on your behalf, taking the stess and headache of managing the process away from you.


Meet the team who will help you find the funds your organisation needs to flourish.

Takki Sulaiman

Chief Executive Officer

Lauren Martin

Business Manager

Caitlin McNeill

Funding Support Advisor

Janis Marshall Reilly

Funding Support Advisor

Caryl Mclean

Funding Support Advisor

Petra Pearce

Funding Support Advisor

Kirsten Johnston


Phil Ashby

Systems & Data Manager

Contact Us


27a, Front Street, Inveraray, Argyll, PA32 8UY


0300 303 4141